You’re Invited
We meet at 415 Sudderth Dr. in Ruidoso, New Mexico at 9:30 a.m. for Bible class and at 10:30 a.m. for worship on Sunday mornings and at 5:30 p.m. for a free meal followed by a short class on Wednesday evening. Other activities are scheduled throughout the week for fellowship, study, meals, mission groups, etc. Contact us at (575) 257-4381 with any questions you may have.
Join us as we WALK towards Christ
Word - God's Word guides our shared lives and study
Accept - We grow closer to Christ by being accepted by God and our Christian family
Love - We grow closer to Christ by serving others with actions of love
Kingdom - We grow closer to Christ by inviting others to join His Kingdom

Hear from our family:
“We actually moved our family from another state to Ruidoso over 30 years ago to be part of the Gateway church. We have no regrets!” —- Chad & Toby S.
“Gateway is a church that is very welcoming and the church family is trustworthy and honest.” —- Nathan S., teen
“There are a lot of great churches in Ruidoso but you won’t find a warmer, more accepting church than Gateway” —- Jackie B.
“We visited Gateway over 10 years ago. John’s honest approach to the teachings of Christ won our hearts. The people of Gateway make it a warm and inviting place to worship.” —- Doug & Shelley H.
“You’ll find that Gateway seeks to know you and your family and warmly invites you to participate in its family and community-serving ministries.” —- Russ G.
“At Gateway I have truly felt like a part of a church family that is very caring and just plain fun to be around.” — Sue W.