EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 14 Dec 13-19: EXODUS 35
Luke 22:25-26
Instead, the greatest among you should be like
the youngest, and the one who rules like the one
who serves.
BIG Ideas: December 13 - Lesson 14 - Ch 35-39 = Bezalel & Oholiab
God chooses these two men for very specific tasks in the community of Israel and he fills them with the Spirit so they can accomplish what he ordains them to do. God continues to fill believers with the Spirit for specific tasks. Today we recognize that God has chosen Anson & Susan Whitton and Troy and Linda Martin to accomplish a very specific task in our community…shepherding our lives.
Materials Needed:
-prayer place building materials
Questions about worship on 12/13/2020:
The Whittons and Martins became elders on Sunday. What are elders? Use 1 Peter 5:1-5.
Being an elder is like a job for the church. Ask your kid(s) what they want to be or do when they are older.
Encourage your kid(s) that no matter what they do, do it for God to the best of their ability.
PRAY with your kid(s). Ask God to bless their paths and build them up as servants of God and others.
READ: Exodus 35. God shares with the Israelites about building a place for Him to dwell and for His people to worship Him. God used the skilled workers Bezalel and Oholiab to craft the Tabernacle. These skilled workers used their jobs to serve God and build a place for people to worship God. Today, we can worship God anywhere. Some places are easier to worship God than others.
Where are some good places to worship God? (various answers)
What makes a good area to worship God? (maybe things like quiet, peaceful, or with certain people around.. or...)
BUILD: Work with your kid(s) to make a place to worship and pray.
WORSHIP: Be with your kid(s) in the place and talk with God.
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 13 Dec 6-12: EXODUS 33-34
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
BIG Ideas:
December 6 - Lesson 13 - Ch 33-34 = Presence / God’s Glory
Moses asks to see God’s glory - God reveals himself as merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and just. Moses’ response is to worship (which is God’s goal of rescuing his people) The experience changes Moses visibly - people can tell that he has been with God. The same happens to us when we experience Him.
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
Materials Needed:
PRAY with your kid(s). Thank God for His glory which we can experience and ask that we reflect His light in our lives to those around us.
READ about Moses reflecting God’s glory in Exodus 33-34.
Here is a summary video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Uc-ENugutQ
Here is the Bible Project’s analysis of Exodus 34. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxwzq1PJImM
ASK questions:
What was God’s promise to His people? He promised them a new land, one flowing with milk and honey.
What special gift did God give Moses? He allowed Moses to see Him pass by, but not look at God’s face.
How was Moses changed by God’s presence? When Moses returned from the mountain down to the people, his face shone with the glory of God.
How are we changed after we worship and stay in God’s presence?
PRACTICE shining God’s glory.
Using a flashlight in a dark room, let your kid(s) shine the light around. Ask your kid(s) how the flashlight is like God’s glory. Ask how it seems to affect the people in the room.
Turn the light back on. Ask your kid(s) to look you in the face and put on a serious or sad face. Watch them mirror your face. Then tell them they are a blessed and glorious child of God. Share some more love and encouragement. Ask them how they feel after you share those words. The good feelings are an example of how God’s glory makes us shine as we share it.
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 12 Nov 29-Dec 5: EXODUS 32
John 4:24
God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth.
BIG Ideas: November 29th - Lesson 12 - Ch 32 = Power=Patience/Power/Promise/Redemption
The people made a gold calf to worship because they were tired of waiting. We see several things about God when this happens; his wrath, his patience, his discipline, and his provision for atonement for sins.
Memory Verse: John 4:24
God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth.
Materials Needed:
-Markers/Crayons/Colored pencils
PRAY with your kid(s). Ask that God help us see His presence in our lives and not replace Him with things we find and value around us.
READ the Bible with your kid(s). Read Exodus chapter 32. Summarize the story
Moses was up on Mount Sinai talking with God and getting the 10 commandments
The Israelites begged Aaron for a physical God that they could follow.
Aaron collected gold from the people and had it crafted into the shape of a calf.
They worshipped the golden calf and God was angry with the people.
Moses asked God not to destroy the people.
DRAW the story: Have your kid(s) draw the situation with Moses talking with God on the mountain and Joshua nearby. The people and Aaron down below collect gold and make the calf to worship.
QUESTIONS: Ask a few questions to see what your kid(s) think of what God’s people did.
Why did the people ask for another god, something to worship? (they were impatient waiting for Moses to return from talking with God on the mountain and they forgot who delivered them from Egypt.)
Why do you think Aaron made the shape of a calf from the gold he collected from the people?
How did God feel when the people made something to worship besides Him after HE delivered them from Pharaoh in Egypt? (He felt sad and betrayed, so He was angry with them).
We probably would not make a golden calf today to distract us from God. What kinds of things distract us from God? (toys, friends, family, pets, food…?)
WRITE/DRAW: On the back of the paper your kid(s) already drew on, have them either draw or write the names of things that distract them from God.
Once they have listed/drawn a few items, discuss what God has done for them and your family and worship vs enjoy as God’s blessing.
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 11 Nov 22-28: EXODUS 24-31
Psalm 63:1
You, God, are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
where there is no water.
Materials Needed:
-Misc building items (see below)
PRAY with your kid(s). Ask that God help us see His presence in our lives as we learn about how He has pursued His people forever.
READ the Bible Exodus chapters 24-31. To shorten the reading, read Exodus 24:1-7, 24:13-18, 25:1-9, 31:12-18. *The rest of chapters 25-31 describe how to build the various parts of the Tabernacle.
To learn more about the Tabernacle, check out this website and this Youtube Video.
CRAFT: Try building a representative of one of the items in the Tabernacle. Choose one of the items from Exodus chapters 25-31 and read the description. Find things around the house to design your own.
Once finished building, discuss with your kid(s) what this was used for and why. Make sure to point out how holy and righteous God is and that people coming into God’s presence are never good enough on their own. But, God makes a way to be with His people.
Ask these questions:
What did God tell the Israelites to build? (the Tabernacle, a mobile temple)
Why did they need to build this place? (God would dwell there among His people)
After Jesus came and became the sacrifice once for all, why do we not need a Tabernacle in our town? (Jesus’ sacrifice means no more animal sacrifices to clear people from sin. He lives in our hearts and is with us wherever we go.)
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 9 Nov 8-14: EXODUS 19-20
Isaiah 26:4
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.
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Materials Needed:
-piece of paper
-markers/crayons/colored pencils
Pray with your kid(s). Praise God for his commands and ask God to guide our hearts towards His ways.
The 10 Commandments craft: Cut a piece of paper in the shape of two adjoined tablets (see photo).
As you read Exodus 20, write the commandments on the “tablets.”
As you reread the 10 commandments, have your kid(s) decorate the tablets so they have visual reminders of what the commandments mean.
Who knows best if you are keeping these rules?
Should we be thinking about the rules all the time or is there a better way to live and still do good? (If our motivation is from God’s love for us and we love others, we will not break these rules).
Share with you kid(s) about how these are great rules, but Jesus has some things to add. Read Matthew 5:21-22, 5:43-48.
Jesus also told us which commandments are the most important. Ask your kid(s): which commands are the most important? Why?
The Greatest Command: Read with your kid(s) Matthew 22:35-40.
Ask your kids to retell the greatest commands. (‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ & ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.)
Ask your kid(s): How are these two commands more powerful than all the others?
Write these two on the outside of the paper tablets.
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 8 Nov 1 - 7: EXODUS 15-18
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
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BIG Ideas:
NOV 1 - Lesson 8 - Ch 15:22-ch 18 = Patience & Provision / Old & Young
God is patient with complainers and gives what is needed. Old and young in the community are needed - God uses us differently and we should respect the work he is doing in each generation. No leader should take on all responsibilities but instead depend on God to equip the community
Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Materials Needed:
-canned food or other packaged food
-markers, crayons, or colored pencils
Ask your kid(s) to pray and/or lead your kid(s) in prayer: Ask God to lead your family further into believe, faith, and worship.
Read with your kid(s) or have them read Exodus chapters 15:22 through chapter 18.. To shorten, consider these alternatives: ‘God Provides Food and Water Bible Animation: https://youtu.be/Ki84LIbqsdI’
‘Superbook Online children's bible resource: https://us-en.superbook.cbn.com/sb_bible’
Tell me about the Israelites in the wilderness after they left Egypt.
How do you think the Israelites felt as they were in the wilderness? [scared, hungry, thirsty; wondering why God and Moses had brought them out in the desert to live without a home]
They were frustrated and complaining because they did not have food and water. How would you feel if you did not have food and water? [scared, hungry, thirsty; looking for food and water]
How did God provide when the Israelites needed food and water? [God told Moses to put a piece of wood in some bitter water and it became good to drink; God provided quail to eat in the evening and manna (bread pieces) to eat in the morning; God provided water from a rock; God delivered Israel from the Amalekites as Moses held his arms up.
How does God provide for us?
Be God’s Hands:
There are people in our area that need clean water and food, just like the Israelites. We can help them and show them God’s love. Pick out some canned food or your favorite food and bring it to Christian Services or one of the small food stash banks around town.
Using colors, draw the Israelites in the wilderness. Consider adding the water from the rock, the manna and quail, the Amalekites being defeated while Moses’ arms were up, or other parts from Exodus.
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 7 Oct 25-31: EXODUS 13-15
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
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Materials Needed:
sink/bathtub, water
quiet space to worship God
Lead your kid(s) in prayer. Ask that God would help us understand the passover and salvation personally.
Read with your kid(s) Exodus chapter 13:17 through 15:21. To shorten or enhance, use these:
This video is a great resource (start at 4:40). (https://youtu.be/rzcYLCYItuc?t=280) Youtube:[Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 4-14]
The online Bible for Children ‘Goodbye Pharaoh.’
Ask questions:
Why were the Israelites trying to leave Egypt? They were slaves, treated badly, and wanted to worship God freely in the wilderness.
Which was the last plague and why do you think it changed Pharaoh’s mind? The firstborn died of all homes without lamb’s blood above the door.
As the Israelites are leaving Egypt, they come to the waters of the Red Sea. What is the hopeless situation they are in? There is a sea (part of the ocean) in front of them and Pharaoh’s army coming to take them back to Egypt or kill them. They are stuck in between.
How does God deliver the Israelites that day? God separates the Red Sea so the Israelites can walk across on dry land. When the Egyptians pursue in the same path, the waters return to drown the Egyptians.
What should the Israelites do as a response to God’s deliverance? The Israelites should worship God and tell others of God’s wonderful deliverance.
How does God continue to deliver us? (Varied) He provides salvation from our sins through our acceptance that Jesus died for us and delivered us from death for our sins. We can live forever with Him.
What should be our response to God’s deliverance? We should worship God and tell others of God’s wonderful deliverance.
Activity: In the sink or bathtub, ask your kids to separate the waters like God did. As they struggle, ask your kid(s) what they think about God’s power if He can deliver His people like that.
Prayer Place: The Israelites were trying to get freedom from slavery in Egypt so they could worship God in the wilderness. Find a good place without distractions to worship God. With your kid(s), make a list of the things He has provided and delivered you from. Then worship Him for His deliverance: praying, singing, and talking to Him.
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 5 OCT 11-17: EXODUS 9-11
Ezekiel 36:26
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
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Materials Needed:
-Coloring markers OR pencils and paper OR -diorama supplies OR -Legos OR -video equipment
Ask your kid(s) to pray and/or lead your kid(s) in prayer: Ask God to soften our hearts so we are open to hear His word and message for our lives.
Read with your kid(s) or have them read Exodus chapter 9 starting in verse 8 through the end of chapter 11. To shorten, consider these alternatives:
This video is a great resource (start at 3:10). (https://youtu.be/aH9_U035hpY?t=191) Youtube:[10 Plagues of Egypt - Exodus 7-11 | Sunday School Lesson for Kids | Sharefaithkids.com]
The online Bible for Children ‘Goodbye Pharaoh.’
ACT IT OUT: Ask your kid(s) to show how they might react to each plague as you read them out. Discuss as needed. (water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children)
Ask your kid(s) questions about the reading:
Why were God and Moses sending these plagues on the land of Egypt? (As a punishment on Pharaoh’s people so he would change his heart and let God’s people leave).
What are all the plagues you can think of? Which ones were first, second, etc.? (water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children)
Do you think the plagues get worse or easier? Why?.
Why do you think the death of the firstborn was the last plague?
How do you think Moses felt?
How do you think the Israelites felt?
How do you think Pharaoh felt after all this?
CRAFT: Have your kid(s) choose one plague and create a depiction of it. Here are some ideas: Diorama, drawing, painting, video, Lego scene…
While working or after finished, ask some questions relating to that plague.
How did this plague affect the Egyptians back then?
How did this plague affect the Israelites, living in the land of Goshen near Egypt?
Would this work to get people’s attention today?
WEEK 4 OCT 4-10: EXODUS 7-11
Psalm 145:8
The Lord is gracious and merciful;
Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness
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BIG Ideas:
God is patient for us to turn to Him.
1st 5 plagues = God gives Pharaoh and Egypt time and opportunities to repent…he is patient as he waits for people to turn their hearts back toward him
Lead or ask your kid(s) to lead a prayer for our family to know God’s patience and perseverance for our hearts.
Read from Exodus 7-11 or abbreviate.
This video is a great resource until 3:10. (https://youtu.be/aH9_U035hpY) Youtube:[10 Plagues of Egypt - Exodus 7-11 | Sunday School Lesson for Kids | Sharefaithkids.com]
The online Bible for Children ‘The Prince Becomes a Shepherd.’
-What was the first miracle God performed in this passage? [Aaron’s staff became a snake]
-What were the plagues in order? [plague of blood, plague of frogs, plague of gnats, plague of flies, plague on livestock]
-What do you think would be the worst plague?
-What was the point God was making through the plagues? [read Exodus 7:1-5 again and discuss]
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 3 Sept 27-OCT 3: EXODUS 5-6
Psalm 111:9
He provided redemption for His people; He ordained His covenant forever - holy and awesome is His name.
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colors (markers, crayons, or colored pencils)
Lead or ask your kid(s) to lead a prayer for our family to know God’s holiness and trust in his promise of redemption.
Share the memory verse (Psalm 111:9, above) and have your kid(s) repeat. Ask them, “The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. What did they want God to do for them?
Read Exodus 5-6. To abbreviate, just use 5:1-9, 5:22-23, 6:1-10
Ask your kid(s) some of these questions:
Why did the Israelites want to leave Egypt? [to worship the Lord God in the wilderness]
Why did Pharaoh want the Israelites to stay in Egypt? [they were slaves making bricks and working]
Why was Moses scared to go to Pharaoh to ask him to ‘Let my people go?’ [He had speaking problems]
Who went with Moses to help him deliver the message of the Lord? [his brother, Aaron]
What did God promise to the Israelites when speaking with Moses? [to deliver them into the land of Canaan and to lead them]
How did the Israelites react when Moses told them of God’s promises to them? [they didn’t listen to him because they were discouraged and had to work too hard]
Ask your kids how this story makes them feel.
Ask your kid(s) to draw a picture of what they are thinking. Then discuss how even when things are difficult, like they were for the Israelites, God’s promises are true and God is with us.
Memory Verse: Exodus 15:11
Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
pens or pencil
Lead or ask your kid(s) to lead a prayer for our family to know God’s holiness and wonders.
Share the memory verse (Exodus 15:11, above) and have your kid(s) repeat. Ask them, “What glorious wonders has God done?”
Read Exodus 3 & 4. To shorten the reading, just use 3:1-10 & 4:20-23 or the online Bible for Children ‘The Prince Becomes a Shepherd.’ After reading, you might watch the Youtube video ‘Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 2-3)’ by Saddleback Kids.
Ask your kid(s) about the story. So, what happened to Moses after God protected him as a baby in the river? How would you feel if God talked to you from a burning bush?
INTERACTIVE: Let’s pretend there is a burning bush here, now. Show me how you would react?
Now, God starts speaking from the bush. What would you do then?
God was with Moses as he was a baby, as he grew up, as he was a shepherd, and as he returned to Egypt to help free God’s people from Pharoah. God showed he would protect his wonders.
CRAFT: Make a picture of God’s wonders. Start by putting ink on a paper and putting a finger into the ink. On another piece of paper, create a fingerprint. Repeat. Decorate the fingerprints as God’s wonders. See the craft video and pictures (side) for more ideas.
What do we do to a God who protects, designs, and creates such wonder?
Sing “Our God is an Awesome God” (Youtube link: ‘AWESOME GOD - Children’s Worship Song’) and “Blue Skies and Rainbows” (Youtube link: ‘Blue Skies and Rainbows’)
EXODUS // Family Guide
Week 1 Sept 13-19: EXODUS 1-2
Memory Verse: Isaiah 40:29
God gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Song on Youtube
pillowcase per kid (their “basket” in the reeds of the Nile River)
materials to create a pyramid (cardboard) or a river basket weave (paper)
markers to write the memory verse on their pyramid or river basket weave
Lead or ask your kid(s) to lead a prayer for our family to know and feel God’s presence and to better understand His promises.
Share the memory verse (Isaiah 40:29, above) and have your kid(s) repeat. Ask them, “Is it true?”
Share God’s big promises to Abraham: He promised to make Abraham’s descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and sand on the seashore. Years later, Abraham’s descendants lived in Egypt and the Egyptian Pharaoh made them into slaves and made them work very hard!
Share with your kid(s) that Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites and even ordered that Israelite baby boys be killed!
Ask what your kid(s) know about Moses as a baby.
Read from Exodus 1-2 (if very young kids, shorten the reading to just Exodus 1:8-2:10 or from a storybook Bible. You could also watch this video on YouTube (Baby Moses Bible Story - Exodus 2 | ShareFaithKids.com) https://youtu.be/WToe5mmCqmE ). Superbook Online, Bible for Children Illustrated & Audio: The Prince on the River,
Use the pillowcase(s): have your kid(s) try to get inside the pillowcase. Tell them this is their river basket and they are like baby Moses. Don’t fall out! Don’t rock the boat!
Ask your kid(s) how they might feel as a baby floating in a basket in a river.
Ask your kid(s) how God protected Moses and showed He was with Moses.
Preview: Ask your kid(s) why God protected Moses? (answer: because God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, so He used Moses to help lead the people out of slavery in Egypt.)
Have your kid(s) create either a pyramid and/or a river basket. If they can, have them write the memory verse on their creation. Ask them about how their creation is part of Moses’ story and the story of God’s people. Point a light at their creation(s). Share that God was protecting the Israelites working in Egypt and baby Moses in the basket. God’s light covers the creation(s) as a symbol of God’s presence with the Israelites and baby Moses.
Remind your kid(s): Just like God was with or present when the Israelites were suffering, God is with us if we choose to allow it. How is God always with us?
What are some ways we know God is always present, and keeping His promise in our lives?